
Here you can find important links to other sites that I am a part of, as well as fellow writers' sites, and any other links that might be of interest to you.

My Website

Here you can find bio information, synopses of my various published books, reviews, photos and of course links to sites where you can purchase my books.

Facebook Fan Page

Liking a Fan Page goes a long way, and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to do so. Thanks in advance for your support.

Twitter Page

My thoughts in 140 characters or less. If you're the type that enjoys short and to the point, Twitter would be a great place to start - Follow me @CarlTSmith

Let's Be Friends?

Feel free to add me as a friend on Facebook here, if simply liking my Fan Page hasn't satiated your hunger for connection.


A digital bookshelf of the books that I have read, and my ratings on them.


This link will bring you to my page at, where all of my books can be purchased.

Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble also carries my books, in both eBook and printed version. All eBooks here are Nook-friendly.


If you have a Kindle instead of a Nook, this link will bring you to my Kindle page, where you can find the Kindle-friendly versions of my books.

Author's Den

So this site is still in the works a little bit, so bear with me while it's finished, but I'll be sure to come back and change this once it's all ready to go and you are more than welcome to check it out.